This one comes from one of my most played/favorite duo's, Chiddy Bang. For me this song represents a lot of good memories and good times with my boys. For that reason this one goes out to my boys Songah "sclusvie" and Mitch "Pretty much a manager". Countless nights I've spent with them, and countless nights this song has been playing. So, this one is for them. And I guess for the rest of you as well. For those of you who don't know, it's Wednesday. Which means we're halfway done the week (yeah!). So keep grinding people, the week

Remember to like us on Facebook, follow on Twitter and rate/comment below. Keep spreading the word, whether that be by word of mouth, posting this on Facebook, or tweeting it. Keep doing it. I need your help with this, so keep on spreading that seed. I'll be back tomorrow with a throwback track. Until then...
Stay Fresh,
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Stay Fresh,