Now, this one right here holds extra value as I consider Rubiks a friend, this song is absolutely delicious and should really be considered as the anthem to Regina. I don't know what the anthem is now......but it certainly isn't as good as this. Skillaboo, Rubiks, Keshia Angeline, straight killing it. This song is sure to be stuck in your head for a good, long time. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the journey and pleasure that is the 306, and the Queen City.
Also, Rubiks' mixtape is officially out and available for download here:
I definitely think you guys should all download it, upload it to your Ipod, or Zune (lol). Or cut a compact disc/tape. You should really support local music, and really super support it if that local music is dope. Yeah. So definitely download it and enjoy, I can personally vouch for it and can honestly say that it is absolutely fantastic.

And follow him on Twitter.
A reminder, please, tell everyone you know about the page. Hell, tell people you don't know. Say you see a stranger walking down the street, pull over, give him a handshake and tell him about this page. Also, leave comments below on your thoughts, or leave comments on the Facebook page. I'll be back tomorrow with a music video for yall. Until then...
Stay Fresh,
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Stay Fresh,